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Japanese Flip Select Screen

This is the starting screen where you can select the set of words to learn. There are 4 difficulty levels corresponding to the JLPT.

You can also go to the User Word Entry screen, How To guide, and About screen from here. And don't forget the Browse Mode on / off switch!
Japanese Flip Drill Screen

The main practice screen you will see after revealing the answer.

You choose Right or Wrong to indicate if you answered the word's meaning correctly. You have to be honest if the program is to work. If you're not sure, pick Wrong, you'll get it right next time!

Japanese Flip Browse Screen

The Browse Mode screen. Here you get to preview and study all the words in a set.

You can use this like an electronic reference on the go. Also any user entered words are browseable as well. If you go past the end, the program wraps back to the starting word, and vice versa.

Japanese Flip User Word Entry Screen

This is the User Word Entry screen. Here you can add, edit, and delete your own personal words.

Use the scroll wheel to select from the existing words, or enter new words and meanings in the area at the top. You can also turn off the confirmations for faster entry.

Japanese Flip Glossary Screen

The Glossary opens a list of all the part of speech terms used in the definitions.

This is very helpful when you stumble across a grammar term you don't recognize. Also especially useful for learning the proper root endings for verbs and honorific usage.


Japanese Flip HowTo Screen

The "How To" Guide screen. It has a scrolling description of all the things you need to know to use the program.

There are three sections to give you a detailed explanation of the program in case you need it. (Which you probably won't.)